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Shenzhen Xallcom Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel : +86 - 755 - 8605 9338
Fax: +86 - 755 - 8605 9328

Sales: Rita Chen ,   rita@xallcom.com ,+86 181 2986 2160

Marketing: Terry Li ,   terry-li@xallcom.com

Support: Jack Zeng,  jack-zeng@xallcom.com
E-mail: info@xallcom.com

WhatsApp: +86 181 2986 2160

Website: www.xallcom.com

Add: 3/F, No. 220-1 of Niucheng Road, Xili Sub-district, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China  (P.C.518055)

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Add: 3rd Floor, No.220-1 of Niucheng Road, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, China.
Tel: +86-755-8605 9338  Fax: +86-755-8605 9328
E-mail: info@xallcom.com
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